The Old Woman In The Attic

They had dared Adam to steal her knickers.

Adam hadn't felt any since he met Miley Cyrus, so this experience was going to be interesting. Plus, if he caught this mad woman in the nude, he would have more mental images to add to the collection in his already-packed mind.

It was as if she was waiting for him. He opened the door and there she was sitting; her eyes glistening seductively in the lightening storm.

Adam gulped. Maybe he'd get more than he bargained for.

"You're here for my knickers," she cackled in her non-Asian voice, "I heard the kids outside."

Adam gulped again. The woman shifter her legs wider. Adam squinted to look - he felt his slabberdash turn in his pants.

"Guess what," she moaned, "What year is it?"

Adam was puzzled.

"I've been sitting here for 50 years and I don't know what year it is. I forgot to use the toilet too. And some how I know what Sarah Jane and co used to do without me."

"Wha-?" Adam was about to speak, when the old woman revealed herself.

"I'm too poor to afford knickers. Cobwebs are the next best thing."

Adam screamed