The Marriage of Trixie Trickster and Clyde Langer
Trickster: Sarah Jane, darling - hullo! First to arrive, thank you so much for coming!
Sarah Jane: Erm, hi....Tricksie 8| *pauses to check nearest exits*
Trickster: Aww, SJ, why so down? You aren't still hung up about the whole me trying to end your life thing, are you? *rolls eyes* It was a phase I was going through, swearsies ^_^
Clyde: Yeah, it's her version of a horny mating call - luckily for the world, the Clyde-meister came a'knockin'!
Trickster: *sighs* Oh, Clyde... *nudges him playfully and sends him flying into a china cupboard*
Sarah Jane: Clyde! :O
Trickster: Oopsies! *hovers over to pick him back up* Sorry, snookle-bumps!
K9's Secret
K9: *looking at dragged-up reflection* I AM A PRETTY DOG, I AM A PRETTY DOG...
Sarah Jane: *coming into the attic with a torch* W-W-Who's there?
K9: *alarmed* MISTRESS!
Sarah Jane: K...9?! *looks at badly smeared-on lipstick and wig* What...the...ff...
Mr Smith: We didn't want you to find out this way, Sarah Jane...
At this point Sarah Jane realises that prior to leaving, K9 had disconnected himself from a cord that had come from Mr Smith. Oh sweet robot smuttyness :p