Ugh Pairings: Dalek and Jagrafess

The Dalek peeped from the side of the wall. He saw the Jagrafess' hot purple skin, and the hot salvia dribbling from his mouth. The Dalek's eye glistened blue with a horny passion. His sucker twitched. He wanted it. He wanted the Jagrafess.

The Jagrafess roared. He knew that the Dalek was spying on him. He wanted this spy Dalek to come and sucker him. He wanted the Dalek to rub his roundels into the Jagrafess' hot, flubbery skin.

The Dalek levitated and did so. The Jagrafess moaned with hot passion as the Dalek ejected a stream of white energy into the Jagrafess' eye.

"Ex-sperm-in-ate..." he moaned...